Friday, April 20, 2012

I Give Up!

Well, as it stands right now, I've given up on all of my flowerbeds. I just can't deal with the quack grass any more and it has taken over 90 percent of the beds. I've waved the white flag of surrender. The quack grass wins! It's the only thing I hate about living in the country surrounded by farm fields that never get mown. ~sigh~

I'll continue the war in the veg garden, though. We might have an ugly lawn, but we still gotta eat!


Connor Harley said...

LOL. Don't give up just yet! :) But okay, just don't forget the vegatbles! You can do it.

Unknown said...

Never say die! Keep pulling them of till they gave up. Make it a sort of exercise, in just months time you will be fitter.

garden sheds